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Tag Archives: Tampa Estate Planning Attorney


What Types Of Trusts Can I Create With An Estate Planning Lawyer?

By Bubley & Bubley, P.A. |

An essential part of estate planning for any high asset individual, or for anyone who has a child or another dependent with special needs, is creating a trust. Yet trusts certainly are for more than just wealthy individuals. While they can allow high net worth people in the Tampa area to seek tax protection… Read More »

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U.S. Supreme Court Case Clarifies Revocation-On-Divorce Provisions

By Bubley & Bubley, P.A. |

If you get divorced, can you remain as a beneficiary on your ex’s life insurance policy? This question depends in part on whether you live in a state with a law that is typically known as a “revocation-on-divorce” provision, or a “revocation-upon-divorce” provision. While many states—including Florida—have had these laws in place, the U.S…. Read More »

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What is the Difference Among a Power of Attorney, a Health Care Power of Attorney, and a Living Will?

By Bubley & Bubley, P.A. |

If you are thinking about drafting estate planning documents in Florida, you may have heard about both a power of attorney and the more specific health care power of attorney. Whether you are putting plans in place because you recently had children and want to plan for the future, or if you are getting… Read More »

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Updating Your Will and Trusts When You Get Divorced

By Bubley & Bubley, P.A. |

Planning for divorce in Florida requires extensive work. It is extremely important to work with an experienced Tampa divorce attorney on your case, and then most divorces require the parties to make extensive and complete lists of property to ensure that all marital and separate property is classified accurately so that it can be… Read More »

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Marital Debt and Estate Planning for Older Adults

By Bubley & Bubley, P.A. |

There are many issues that older adults face when it comes to marriage later in life and estate planning. Given that the rate of “gray divorce,” or divorce among seniors, continues to rise, this also means that there are more single people aged 65 and older who are getting remarried. For many seniors, the… Read More »

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Talking To Your Parents About Estate Planning

By Bubley & Bubley, P.A. |

Estate planning is something every adult should do. However, that does not mean every adult does it. According to a survey conducted by Caring.com, only one in four American adults has a living trust or a will. If your parents are among the 60 percent of Americans who do not have estate plans in… Read More »

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I’ve Been Asked To Be A Healthcare Surrogate. What Does This Mean For Me?

By Bubley & Bubley, P.A. |

Estate planning has a lot of components. This process can involve difficult conversations and decisions for an individual planning his or her estate, but difficult conversation and choices now can make the individual’s life, and the lives of his or her loved ones, easier later. Designating a healthcare surrogate can be part of the… Read More »

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Protecting Your Assets From Probate

By Bubley & Bubley, P.A. |

Probate is the process the court uses after an individual dies to distribute his or her assets to his or her loved ones. Probate is a necessary process for any estate, though how much is involved in the process depends on the contents of the individual’s estate and amount and type of estate planning… Read More »

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Including Digital Assets In Your Estate Plans

By Bubley & Bubley, P.A. |

When you think of estate planning, you probably think of writing a will, designating who will have power of attorney for you in the event you are incapacitated, and the charities you would like to support with your assets. This is not wrong, but it is incomplete for 2018. Today, most of us have… Read More »

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Are Your Estate Plans Complete?

By Bubley & Bubley, P.A. |

Estate planning can be a complicated process. Part of what can make it complicated is that it involves multiple documents and plans, rather than being something that can be worked through in a single sitting. It also forces the planner to reflect on his or her life in ways that can be uncomfortable, especially… Read More »

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