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Tag Archives: Florida Timesharing Disputes


Timesharing Disputes and the Mental Fitness of a Parent

By Bubley & Bubley, P.A. |

Making sure a child custody arrangement protects the welfare of the child is always the primary concern when a court evaluates this issue. Determining who will provide childcare and make decisions for the child’s benefit is often the most pivotal determination in divorce cases. Naturally, the physical and mental health of each parent is… Read More »

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How Much Influence Does a Child’s Wishes Have in Timesharing Decisions?

By Bubley & Bubley, P.A. |

Parents that decide to divorce have a lot of hard decisions to make concerning timesharing. Most children, especially younger ones, have a difficult time understanding the changes taking place, and why there is a need to separate the family. In the long term, children do typically benefit from seeing their parents happy and away… Read More »

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What to Do When the Other Parent Refuses to Cooperate

By Bubley & Bubley, P.A. |

Divorced parents do not have the option of breaking off all contact with each other if there is any type of shared custody or visitation schedule in place. To share time and responsibility for a child requires some degree of cooperation, and the hope is both parents will put the child’s best interests as… Read More »

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