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This Winter Season, Be Aware Of Behaviors That Can Impact Your Rights To Child Custody In Tampa


People eagerly look forward to all the parties, and elaborate feasts associated with the winter season. Unfortunately, if you are a parent who has recently gone through a break-up and is sharing custody of your child, you may not feel much like celebrating.

Our Tampa child custody lawyer helps parents in this situation, providing the trusted legal guidance needed to put a Florida parenting plan in place. While enjoying winter, we want you to be aware of behaviors that could impact your rights to custody.

Tampa Child Custody Arrangements Over Winter

Are you a parent going through a divorce or separation? The Florida Statutes generally encourage shared custody arrangements. Florida parenting plans dictate each parent’s rights and responsibilities, as well as the amount of time the child spends in their home.

Negotiating a parenting plan in Tampa can quickly get contentious, particularly when discussing winter. The thought of not having your child with you at all times during the winter season can be devastating. However, it is generally something you may need to accept unless there is a valid reason your child should not be in your former partner’s care.

What will this year look like with a Tampa parenting plan in place? You have a few options, such as alternating custody or having the child spend the day divided between each parent’s home. Whatever arrangements you make, avoid common behaviors over the winter that could jeopardize your rights. These include:

  • Not complying with the parenting plan;
  • Refusing to surrender the child at the appropriate time to the other parent;
  • Being late for pick-ups and drop-offs;
  • Being contentious and generally uncooperative in your dealings with the other parent.

What To Avoid When Sharing Custody Over The Winter

When deciding child custody matters in Tampa, the Hillsborough County Court considers your willingness to cooperate with the other parent before approving a parenting plan. Being contentious could negatively impact your parental rights.

Even if you typically have no issues dealing with the other parent or implementing child custody arrangements, problems can arise during the winter season. To protect yourself and your relationship with your child, take care to avoid the following:

  • Relaying messages to the other parent through your child;
  • Asking your child for excessive details about the other parents home or social life;
  • Bad-mouthing the other parent in front of your child;
  • Attempting to overindulge them, such as buying excessive gifts;
  • Allowing other family members to engage in these behaviors.

Discuss Available Options With Our Tampa Child Custody Lawyer

At Bubley & Bubley, P.A., we often hear from parents whose former partners are engaged in the above or other negative behaviors. Our Tampa child custody can review your situation and advise whether you may be entitled to request changes in your parenting plan or other options. Get the trusted legal representation you need from our Tampa child custody lawyer. To schedule a consultation, give us a call or contact us online today.




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