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Tag Archives: Tampa Wills and Trusts Attorney


The Risks of Writing Your Own Will

By Bubley & Bubley, P.A. |

Most people are aware of the benefits of executing a will that outlines how to divide a person’s real and personal property after death. If one listens and reads the ads posted online or aired on radio or TV, creating an estate plan, and especially the execution of a will, is a simple process… Read More »

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Amending and Revoking Wills and Trusts

By Bubley & Bubley, P.A. |

Thinking about death and the people left behind is not a topic likely to find many takers, but death is the one event in life that no one is able to escape. Additionally, when a person is young and healthy, thoughts of illness and death seem so far away and unrelated to where they… Read More »

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