Tag Archives: Tampa Trust and Estate Attorneys

What Types Of Trusts Can I Create With An Estate Planning Lawyer?
An essential part of estate planning for any high asset individual, or for anyone who has a child or another dependent with special needs, is creating a trust. Yet trusts certainly are for more than just wealthy individuals. While they can allow high net worth people in the Tampa area to seek tax protection… Read More »
How Divorce Affects Contractual Obligations for the Distribution of Assets after Death
When most people first think of divorce, the after-effects on a person’s estate plan is not likely to come to mind. Usually, people think about selling the marital home, dividing property, determining who will pay child support, and deciding how the split parenting time with the children. They may assume that the rules of… Read More »
What Happens to Your Estate If You Don’t Have a Will, or It Fails?
People often assume they have more time to think about what will happen after they die, and consequently, put off making decisions or executing formal documents, like wills and trusts. They may wait until they are very ill to make end-of-life arrangements and decide the easiest and obvious thing to do is leave a… Read More »
What Role Does a Court Have in Managing a Trust?
The person who chooses to create a trust must put a lot of reliance and faith in the trustee to the follow the terms written in the trust instrument, as well as in state law. The trustee, a person or entity in charge of administering the trust property and distributions to beneficiaries, can be… Read More »
What Is a Trust, and How Will It Help My Family After I’m Gone?
When most people envision how they want their property divided following their death, that vision does not include their relatives spending months, maybe years, in probate court amassing legal fees and likely irreversible resentment among family members. Even simple wills require some involvement by the probate court to settle the estate, which unavoidably generates… Read More »
Types of Estate Administrations in Probate Proceedings
When a family or close friend dies, it is normal to ask what happens to the financial and personal effects of the deceased, and how one initiates the correct process for settling the deceased’s estate. The probate process is the method most people associate with distributing the assets of an estate, but it is… Read More »