Tag Archives: Tampa Family Law Attorneys

Reexamining Shared Parenting in Florida as Family Roles Change
For anyone who is currently in the process of getting divorced or is considering divorce in the New Year, the divorce process is likely to be more complicated if you have minor children from the marriage. According to a recent article in ScienceNordic, public policies in the US and across the Western world handle… Read More »

Declining Divorce Rates Among Millennials
The divorce rate in the U.S. has declined in recent years, including in Florida. A new analysis conducted by Philip Cohen, a sociology professor at the University of Maryland, suggests that cultural shifts among the Millennial generation explain why fewer people are getting divorced. Indeed, according to a recent article on Cohen’s analysis in… Read More »

Legal Challenges Same Sex Couples Can Face
Although same sex marriage is now legal throughout the United States and same sex couples have all the same rights as heterosexual couples, society changes more slowly than the laws that govern it. As an individual and parent in a same sex relationship, you might face certain biases when working with the court system…. Read More »

What To Do When Your Medical Marijuana Use Spurs False Accusations
Cannabis has been proven to relieve pain and help patients manage symptoms related to anxiety, addiction, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Following these medical breakthroughs, many states have legalized cannabis for medical use. If you are a medical marijuana patient in Florida, your medical treatment should not impact your parenting plan. But a vindictive… Read More »

Seeking Custody Of Your Grandchild
Under most circumstances, a child’s legal parents are the only adults who have parental rights to him or her. This means they are the only people who have custody of the child and the rights that come with custody, like the right to access the child’s medical records and the right to determine who… Read More »

Thinking Of Adopting Your Stepchild? Here Are A Few Reasons Why You Should
When an individual with one or more children remarries, his or her new spouse may have the option to adopt the children. This is possible only if the children’s other biological parent consents to the adoption or if his or her parental rights are terminated – a child can only have two legal parents…. Read More »

Creating A Parenting Plan For A Newborn
When a divorcing couple has minor children, a parenting plan is part of their divorce settlement. The children’s ages play an important role in determining an appropriate parenting plan and because of this, a parenting plan for a baby or toddler is much different from a parenting plan for an older child or a… Read More »

Adapting Your Parenting Plan For Summer Vacation
Summer vacation is right around the corner. If this is the first summer since your divorce, transitioning from the academic year to summer vacation with a parenting plan can be awkward for you and your children. How awkward it is depends on whether you already have a summer parenting plan in place and your… Read More »

As a Grandparent, What Are My Rights?
Grandparents’ rights are part of family law statutes in every state. Some states grant grandparents more rights than others, while some are extremely strict about the circumstances under which grandparents can pursue visitation and custody of their grandchildren. Florida is fairly specific about when and how grandparents can exercise their rights to their grandchildren…. Read More »

Why Should I Sign A Prenuptial Agreement?
When a couple divorces, their marital assets are divided. Any assets obtained during the marriage are subject to division, as are assets that one party owned prior to the marriage that changed in value due to the spouse’s effort, such as a home’s value increasing after years of the couple improving the property and… Read More »