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Picking The Right Person To Act As Your Power Of Attorney In Tampa


Accidental injuries and sudden, severe illnesses have the potential to be incapacitating. This is often heartbreaking for families, and disputes may arise due to having to guess what their loved one may have wanted. It can also prove financially devastating, resulting in significant lost assets or income.

To protect yourself, it is important to designate someone you trust to act as your power of attorney. Our Tampa estate planning lawyer explains more about this legal document and how to pick the right person for the role.

When You Need A Power of Attorney In Tampa

A power of attorney, or POA, is a common estate planning document in Tampa. Under the Florida Statutes, a POA grants written authority to someone you trust to act as your agent in managing your financial affairs and making important decisions on your behalf, in the event circumstances prevent you from doing so yourself. Powers of attorney in Tampa include:

  • Financial power of attorney: This authorizes someone you trust to manage your financial affairs, including monitoring investments, making mortgage or other payments, and managing a business.
  • Real estate power of attorney: As the name implies, this authorizes someone to act as your designated agent in buying, selling, or managing properties.
  • Florida Department of Revenue power of attorney: This authorizes others to make important tax decisions and handle related affairs.
  • A healthcare power of attorney: As a type of advance directive in Florida, a healthcare POA authorizes someone to make decisions regarding medical care on your behalf.

Qualities To Look For In Selecting Someone For Powers of Attorney

Powers of attorney (POA) protect you and your loved ones against the unexpected. It helps in honoring your wishes, prevents family and friends from having to guess what you might want, and protects your property and assets. When selecting someone to act as your agency in a POA, look for the following:

  • Age: The person you select must be at least 18 to serve as your POA.
  • Proximity: While they do not have to be a Florida resident, they should be close enough to act immediately in the event they are needed.
  • Skills and abilities: While you are free to select family or friends to act as your agent in a POA, make sure they have the basic skills needed. They also may need to travel or perform other tasks required of the role.
  • Willingness: Check with the person you are considering and make sure they are willing to fulfill this role.
  • Trustworthiness: Select someone you trust to carry out your wishes and act in accordance with your best interests.

To Discuss Your Options, Consult Our Tampa Estate Planning Lawyer

Powers of attorney and other Tampa estate planning documents help protect you against the unexpected. At Bubley & Bubley, P.A., we provide the trusted legal guidance you need to put these types of documents in place. To discuss your options, contact our Tampa estate planning lawyer. Request a consultation today.





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