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Tag Archives: Tampa Wills Lawyers


How Wills Become Invalid

By Bubley & Bubley, P.A. |

Executing a will takes a lot of time and forethought to ensure the document reflects what the creator wants and is legally effective. Given this commitment, avoiding the potential that a will may be invalidated is crucial. Not only would an invalidation completely wipe out the careful arrangements the creator set in place for… Read More »

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Why Estate Planning in Your 20s Is a Good Idea

By Bubley & Bubley, P.A. |

When people are just getting started in life – their first real job, marriage, buying a home – the last thing they typically think about is planning for end of and post-life issues. It may seem unnecessary because circumstances are likely to be different than envisioned 20 years down the road, but part of… Read More »

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When Is It Time to Update Your Will?

By Bubley & Bubley, P.A. |

Planning for the long term eventualities of life sounds like good and prudent advice, but it is easy to let things slide when it comes to the execution. This is especially true when a person is young, not necessarily aware of what plans to make, and apt to feel like they have unlimited time… Read More »

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What Happens When Part of a Will Fails?

By Bubley & Bubley, P.A. |

Making the decision to execute an estate plan long before concerns of major illness and frailty appear provides a huge service to a person’s spouse and family. Being able to direct when and how medical decisions are made and property is distributed after death often makes the life transition easier for the family, since… Read More »

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What You Need to Know about Designating a Health Care Surrogate

By Bubley & Bubley, P.A. |

Having the ability make decisions about your own health care is greatly valued by most people. Medical treatment is a very personal issue, and it is common for people to disagree on the correct approach, making the right to make these decisions even more important. At some point, though, many people will be faced… Read More »

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What Happens to Your Estate If You Don’t Have a Will, or It Fails?

By Bubley & Bubley, P.A. |

People often assume they have more time to think about what will happen after they die, and consequently, put off making decisions or executing formal documents, like wills and trusts. They may wait until they are very ill to make end-of-life arrangements and decide the easiest and obvious thing to do is leave a… Read More »

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