Tag Archives: Florida Timesharing

How Much Does My Child’s Preference About His Or Her Timesharing Plan Matter?
When a couple with children divorces, a child custody arrangement is an important part of their divorce settlement. In Florida, the term “custody” is not generally used anymore. Instead, courts refer to the child’s schedule in each parent’s home as his or her timesharing schedule and each parent’s role as his or her parental… Read More »

I Want To Move With My Child. What Do I Need To Do?
If you have sole custody of your child, nothing. But if you currently have a timesharing arrangement in place with your child’s other parent, you need his or her permission to move more than 50 miles from your current location, regardless of whether you plan to move out of state or remain in Florida…. Read More »

Protecting Your Children While You Are Away
Timesharing is often a tricky issue, and single parents can struggle with balancing work and family responsibilities, especially if the other parent is uninvolved or lives far away. Certainly, maintaining stable employment is essential to the stability of a household generally, but what is a single parent to do when work calls them away… Read More »