Tag Archives: Custody Arrangements

The Future of Parenting Is Slowly Entering the Courtroom
The traditional image of a family, with a mother, father and children living in the same home, is no longer the only way people view what qualifies as a family. With divorce becoming more prevalent, and the recognition of same-sex couples as deserving of the same rights given to heterosexual couples, the landscape of… Read More »

When Non-Parents Receive Custody of a Child
When couples divorce, the normal order of things has the parents sharing or taking sole custody of a child. Divorce laws are set up with this arrangement in mind, and public policy is firmly in favor of allowing parents to raise their children over someone else. In fact, this preference to give parents as… Read More »
Parenting Plan Guidelines in Florida
Those with children face a difficult challenge when navigating a divorce. Not only must the parents consider the emotional and psychological impact of such a decision on the child, but it is also necessary to determine how to arrange child custody and parenting time. Divorcing couples often dispute child-based issues as each tries to… Read More »