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Tag Archives: Tampa Trust and Estate Lawyer

Estate Planning for Family Members with Special Needs

By Bubley & Bubley, P.A. |

Planning for the future of one’s family after death requires considerable thought about what arrangement would be best for each person individually and the group overall. Certainly, estate plans can take a number of forms, which allows anyone a good amount of flexibility when deciding which alternative to choose. However, this process quickly becomes… Read More »

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New Law Outlines Access to Online Accounts of the Deceased

By Bubley & Bubley, P.A. |

Until relatively recently, important documents, like wills and trusts, were commonly kept in home safes or bank safety deposit boxes to protect the information from theft, destruction or alteration. A person might have also opted to keep duplicate copies in different locations as a failsafe. However, as technology and people become more and more… Read More »

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How to Properly Transfer Real Property to an Estate Trustee

By Bubley & Bubley, P.A. |

Many people associate trusts with wealthy philanthropists and do not see them as applicable to the average person. However, trusts offer estate planning benefits that apply to everyone and can be a cost effective tool to distribute property after death. Trusts allow the creator to have more control over how his/her property is ultimately… Read More »

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