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Social Media Tips When Going Through A Divorce In Tampa


Posting on social media provides a way to share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. It can be a great source of comfort and support, allowing you to connect with family and friends. However, it can prove problematic when getting a divorce in Tampa.

Information posted on social media accounts can impact your rights in legal proceedings. Our Tampa divorce lawyer explains more about the risks and some social media do’s and don’ts while you wait for a final divorce order to be issued.

How Social Media Can Impact Your Tampa Divorce

People get divorced for a variety of reasons. Whatever the circumstances that led to the breakup of your marriage and whether you and your soon-to-be ex are on relatively good terms, there is always the potential for things to get contentious.

Under the Florida Statutes, you will need to resolve certain issues before a final divorce decree can be issued. The outcome of equitable division, alimony, and child time-sharing proceedings can impact your rights, financial security, and overall well-being, now and in the years to come. How can social media negatively impact your divorce in Tampa?

  • It can result in unsolicited opinions, incorrect advice, and invade your privacy;
  • If you are posting rants about the situation or badmouthing your spouse, it could make negotiating a settlement more difficult;
  • If you make any type of threat, this will likely be taken seriously by the court;
  • Your current and prior posts, any activities you are tagged in, and other information obtained via social media can be used in alleging marital misconduct or to restrict your rights in a Florida parenting plan.

Navigating Social Media During A Tampa Divorce

If you are filing for a divorce through the Hillsborough County Court, be aware that your social media activity can be used against you. To protect yourself and your rights in a divorce settlement, the best course of action is to disable your accounts until a final divorce order is issued.

If you rely on social media to keep up with friends and activities or to promote a business, this could prove difficult. If you must stay active, follow these tips until your case is resolved:

  • Change account settings to private;
  • Avoid accepting any new friend requests;
  • Restrict being tagged in other’s pictures or posts;
  • Refrain from posting anything about your spouse or your divorce proceedings.

Get The Trusted, Experienced Legal Guidance You Need From Our Tampa Divorce Lawyer

Getting a divorce represents one of the most difficult times in your life and decisions you may now make could impact your rights and financial security for years to come. At Bubley & Bubley, P.A., we provide the trusted, experienced legal guidance you need.

Our Tampa divorce lawyer works diligently to get you the maximum you are entitled to in your divorce settlement, successfully resolving important issues such as equitable division, alimony, and child support. Call or contact our office online and request a consultation today.





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