For Divorcing Parents, Collaborative Divorce Can Be The Best Choice

There are many different ways to divorce. Alongside the traditional courtroom divorce, you can end your marriage through mediation or a process known as collaborative divorce. Each of these options has its pros and cons.
For a proactive couple who can work amicably toward their divorce goals, collaborative divorce can be a great fit. A collaborative divorce is generally quicker and less expensive than a traditional divorce and couples who choose this option tend to have more positive outlooks on their divorces and better relationships with their former spouses. If you are a parent, consider the ways a collaborative divorce can also benefit your children.
Choosing a Collaborative Divorce can Save you Money
Raising kids is expensive. Finding a new place to live and adjusting to life on one income is expensive. Divorce is expensive – but a collaborative divorce can cost a lot less than a traditional divorce because it cuts own court fees and hours of your lawyer’s time. When you save money on your divorce, you have more money available to invest in the next stage of your life, a divorced parent with a parenting plan.
You will be Co-parenting for the Remainder of your Child’s Youth; Start Working Together Now
In a collaborative divorce, the divorcing couple has to work together to develop their divorce settlement. This is not the first time you will have to work cooperatively with your former spouse – co-parenting is all about cooperation, and collaborative divorce meetings can be the primer you need to prepare yourself for the years of co-parenting ahead of you.
Collaborative divorce can also reduce the tension between you and your former spouse, which can prevent future conflicts. Through your relationship with your former partner, you will model communication and conflict resolution strategies for your children. It will also make future events like graduations, weddings, and other milestones less awkward and stressful for every member of your family.
With Collaborative Divorce, you are in Control of your Settlement
When you craft your own custom divorce settlement, you and your spouse can create a settlement that suits your family’s needs. This can involve dividing your assets with your parenting plan in mind and creating the parenting plan that works best for every family member, rather than having the court create a plan for you.
One thing you cannot determine without court oversight is your child support order. This is because a child support order is a court order developed according to state guidelines. Each child support order is created through the Florida Department of Revenue.
Work with an Experienced Tampa Divorce Lawyer
When you are considering ending your marriage, consider choosing collaboration over litigation. There are many ways a collaborative divorce can benefit you, your spouse, and your children. To learn more about these benefits and the process of working through a collaborative divorce, schedule your initial consultation with our team of Tampa divorce lawyers at Bubley & Bubley, P.A. today.