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Five Strategies To Maximize Your Tampa Divorce Settlement


Feelings of anger, sadness, and disappointment are common when getting a divorce in Tampa. However, once you make the difficult decision to get a divorce, resolving practical matters concerning property and assets needs to take priority. Our Tampa divorce lawyer shares five strategies for getting the maximum amount in your divorce settlement.

Protect Your Rights To Property and Assets In A Tampa Divorce

When getting a divorce in Tampa, it is easy to get overwhelmed by all the emotions involved. This is one of the reasons why you need an experienced Tampa divorce lawyer on your side. While you focus on getting through this difficult time in your life, we focus on protecting your rights, resolving important practical matters that could impact your ability to make a fresh start in the aftermath.

This includes the division of marital property and assets. Under the Florida Statutes, these are divided on an equitable, not even basis. The following are five strategies that can help in maximizing the amount you receive in your divorce settlement:

  1. Get recent statements for all financial accounts. 

One of the first things to do once you decide your marriage is over is to get copies of all financial accounts. These should show all you and your spouse’s earnings, money in bank accounts, investments, and retirement funds. Gather these statements early to prevent any dissipation of funds.

  1. Make a list of all property, assets, and debts. 

In addition to your home and car, make a list of other vehicles, real estate, furniture, artwork, antiques, and recreational equipment you own. Include shares in business and digital assets, such as domain names and websites.

Make another list of all marital debts. Include mortgages, student loans, credit card balances, car payments, and personal loans.

  1. Gather evidence of any marital misconduct on the part of your spouse. 

You do not need divorce grounds to file for a divorce through the Hillsborough County Family Court. However, marital misconduct such as adultery, addiction, or abusive behavior on the part of your spouse could entitle you to a greater settlement.

  1. Consider whether your situation warrants alimony payments. 

If you make considerably less than your spouse or sacrificed your own career for the marriage, you may be entitled to alimony payments. These can help in making the difficult adjustment to divorce and in getting the skills needed to reenter the workforce.

  1. Be willing to negotiate for what you want.

Consider what you want in your divorce settlement and what you may be willing to negotiate on in order to get it. Keep in mind that negotiating a settlement is generally preferable to taking your case to court. In addition to costing less, it allows for more customized arrangements.

Contact Our Tampa Divorce Lawyer Today

To get the maximum amount you are entitled to in a divorce settlement, get Bubley & Bubley, P.A. on your side. Call or contact our office online today and request a consultation with our experienced Tampa divorce lawyer.




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