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Five Common Issues With Child Support In Tampa


Parents have both a moral and legal duty to provide financially for their children. If you are a single parent or are going through divorce proceedings, you may be entitled to child support in Tampa. Unfortunately, problems concerning payments are among the chief sources of conflict between former partners and parents. Our Tampa child support lawyer explains five common issues that often arise in these cases.

  1. The other parent refuses to pay child support.

Raising children is expensive. If you are a single or divorced parent, it can be challenging to meet all the costs involved. Child support payments help ensure your child’s needs are met. While some couples make information arrangements regarding these payments, the best course of action is to get a formal court order in place.

This is particularly true if the other parent refuses to pay. Filing for child support through the Hillsborough County Family Court helps to ensure you get the appropriate amount and that it is paid in a timely manner. 

  1. I have a child support order, but they still will not pay.

Unfortunately, just because a child support order is in place, there is no guarantee the other parent will willingly follow it. However, they can be held in contempt of court and subject to legal action through the  Florida Department of Revenue. This includes fines and court costs, wage garnishment, property liens, and seizure of bank accounts, tax refunds, or certain government benefits. They could also have their driver’s and professional license suspended.

  1. My ex refuses to work/is threatening to quit their job.

Not having a job does not relieve a parent of their legal duty to pay child support. The court can impute an amount based on the prior income, training, and experience level. If they quit their job to avoid payments, the amount will accrue, and they will remain subject to the above enforcement actions until it is completely paid.

  1. The amount of child support ordered is not enough to cover my child’s needs.

It is important to work with an experienced Tampa child support lawyer to ensure you get the maximum amount of child support you deserve. Once a court order is issued, it can be difficult to change. However, you may be entitled to request a modification due to significant changes in your child’s needs, your own income, family circumstances, or changes in income on the part of your spouse.

  1. My child is about to turn 18 but still needs financial support. 

Under the Florida Statutes, child support can be extended beyond 18 for children in special circumstances or with special needs and to help cover the costs of college expenses. 

Request A Consultation With Our Tampa Child Support Lawyer Today

At Bubley & Bubley, P.A., we provide the trusted legal guidance and professional representation you need to get the total amount of child support you are entitled to. Call or contact our office online and request a consultation with our Tampa child support lawyer today.





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