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Controversy Over Permanent Alimony In Florida And How It Impacts Your Right To These Payments


If you are getting a divorce in Tampa, you may be entitled to alimony payments. These can help you make the difficult adjustment to living on your own, allow time to gain the skills or experience needed to re-enter the workplace, and ensure you continue to enjoy the same type of lifestyle that you had during your marriage.

Alimony reforms in Florida have made recent national headlines, causing some to be concerned about their rights to these payments. Our Tampa divorce lawyer explains what is at stake.

Florida Alimony Reforms Make Headline News

A May 2023 CBS News report detailed alimony reforms currently being considered in Florida. Previously, the state Senate proposed legislation that would limit permanent alimony payments, which, as the name implies, go on for an unlimited period of time. The state House of Representatives voted in favor of the proposed bill at the end of April, and now it is pending, waiting for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to sign.

Advocates claim it limits abuses in the system and unfair alimony terms that jeopardize the financial security of those who are ordered to make these payments. Those opposed to the bill claim it makes it more difficult for spouses who make significantly less than their former partner to recover financially after a divorce and could lead to needless suffering.

If you are currently going through a divorce or have an existing alimony order in place, it is important to be aware of how this could impact your rights. If signed by the Governor, alimony reforms would apply in future cases, rather than retroactively. This means that if you already receive alimony or are in the process of negotiations, you are not affected. In cases where it does apply, there are other types of alimony available.

Your Rights To Alimony In Tampa

Under the Florida Statutes, you may be entitled to alimony payments in a Tampa divorce if you make significantly less than your spouse, sacrificed your own career or education for the sake of the marriage, or it was otherwise negotiated as part of your divorce settlement. Even if new legislation is passed limiting permanent alimony, you may still be entitled to the following:

  • Bridge the gap alimony, which helps you adjust financially in the immediate aftermath of a divorce;
  • Rehabilitative alimony, which provides financial support while you gain the education, skills, or experience needed to reenter the workplace;
  • Durational alimony, which is awarded for a specific period of time, such as while you are taking care of young children from the marriage.

Discuss Your Concerns With Our Tampa Divorce Lawyer

If you have concerns about alimony in your current divorce or are wondering how new legislation could impact an existing alimony order, reach out and request a consultation with Bubley & Bubley, P.A. We provide the trusted legal guidance you need to ensure your rights are protected. Call or contact our office online today.




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