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Child Custody In Tampa: Tips For Making The Holiday Season Easier


When relationship issues happen between parents and result in a break-up, child custody is often one of the most hotly debated issues. Negotiating child time-sharing arrangements is difficult under any circumstances, but particularly over the holidays. Our Tampa child custody lawyers explain what you need to know about your rights and offer tips for making the season easier.

Your Rights To Child Time-Sharing In Tampa

Legal issues pertaining to children can arise out of paternity proceedings or when getting a divorce in Tampa. Under the Florida Statutes, child time-sharing is generally preferred to child custody. This means that rather than awarding one parent primary custody and the other visitation, more flexible arrangements encourage both parties to remain active and engaged in the child’s life.

In addition to determining where the child lives during the week, rights on weekends, and the authority to make legal decisions on the child’s behalf, you will need to negotiate custody over the holidays. Many parents opt to either alternate custody on the holidays each year, or divide time on the actual days between each parent’s home. In making these types of arrangements, factors the court will consider before putting a final court order in place include:

  • The age of the child;
  • Their relationship with each parent;
  • Each parent’s proven ability to provide for the child;
  • Each parent’s willingness to cooperate with the other parent in implementing child time sharing arrangements.

Making Child Time Sharing In Tampa Work Over The Holidays

The holidays are one of the most fun and festive times of the year. For parents, a large part of the joy surrounding the season involves seeking their children’s faces light up over toys and all the decor. However, if you are currently negotiating child custody in Tampa, time-sharing is likely to pose challenges.

In addition to protecting your child’s safety and well-being, one of your top priorities should be to closely adhere to any orders already issued by the Hillsborough County Family Court. Not doing so could jeopardize your parental rights. To avoid potential problems and make child time-sharing easier this season, follow these tips:

  • Be flexible and realize that you may have to deviate from your usual holiday plans and arrangements;
  • Consider in advance what events and activities are a priority;
  • Do not try to compete with the other parent in terms of gifts or the overall elaborateness of the holiday;
  • Provide downtime and acknowledge that both you and your children may have conflicting emotions you need time to process.

Reach Out To Our Tampa Child Custody Lawyer

The holidays can be difficult if you are a divorced or single parent, and negotiating child time-sharing arrangements often proves challenging. To protect your child and your parent rights in Tampa child custody matters, reach out Bubley & Bubley, P.A.

Our Tampa child custody lawyer provides the trusted legal guidance you need in negotiating child time-sharing arrangements. Call or contact our office and request a consultation today.




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