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Am I Entitled To Alimony In A Tampa Divorce?


Making the decision to end your marriage is a major step, and you likely have concerns about how it will impact your life in the aftermath. One of the biggest issues in a divorce involves changes in your finances. If you previously relied on your spouse’s income to meet your needs, it is important to consider some of the options available. Spousal support, often referred to as alimony in Tampa, can help protect your financial security now and in the years to come.

How Alimony Can Help You Recover From A Divorce In Tampa

When getting a divorce in Tampa, issues addressed as part of these proceedings can impact your ability to adjust post-divorce. Getting the maximum amount in terms of a property settlement is important. You are entitled to a fair share of any homes, cars, household furnishings, shares in businesses, and money in financial accounts that you and your spouse earned or acquired over the course of your marriage.

In addition to a marital property settlement, you may also be entitled to spousal support or alimony payments. Under Section 61.08 of the Florida Statutes, there are different types of alimony that can help you through the divorce recovery process. This includes:

  • Bridge the gap alimony, which helps you make the financial adjustment from being married to being single;
  • Rehabilitative alimony, which can help you gain the skill, knowledge, or experience needed to reenter the workforce;
  • Durational alimony, which can help for limited periods of time, such as if you choose to stay home and raise children;
  • Permanent alimony, which can help ensure you continue enjoying the same standard of living during divorce as you did during your marriage.

When Spousal Support In Florida May Be Awarded

Spousal support may be awarded through the Hillsborough County Family Court at any point during divorce proceedings. Factors that influence the type of alimony awarded and whether you are entitled to these payments include:

  • The amount of time you were married: Alimony is most likely to be awarded in marriages lasting at least five years. The longer you were married, the longer you are likely entitled to these payments.
  • The circumstances surrounding your divorce: If your spouse is guilty of marital misconduct, such as having an affair, you may be more likely to get spousal support. However, if you are the one engaged in this or other activities, it could impact your rights to these payments.
  • Whether your spouse makes more than you: If your spouse was the primary breadwinner, spousal support is likely an option.
  • If you made sacrifices to support your marriage: Spousal support is likely to be awarded if you sacrificed your own career or education for the sake of your spouse or in support of your marriage.

Discuss Your Options With Our Tampa Divorce Lawyer

To discuss your options in terms of spousal support and other divorce-related matters, request a confidential consultation with Bubley & Bubley, P.A. For trusted legal guidance, call or contact our Tampa divorce lawyer online today.




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